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Wildfires of Ukraine – is a single page web-GIS application for visual analysis of spatial distribution of fire events in 2019 at the territory of Ukraine. Wildfires data received from NASA's Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) provided by NASA's Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS). Each MODIS active fire location represents the center of a 1km pixel that is flagged by the algorithm as containing one or more fires within the pixel. This web-GIS app created on the base of single page application technology at the client side, receives spatial data from external source in geoJSON format and displays it in the map.

The main functions of web-GIS app are:

  • queries to spatial data: filtering points at the map by different months when fire events were detected; calculating the quantity of selected objects; more than 28 000 objects are available;
  • two types of rendering spatial objects: as SVG markers or as paths in canvas element;
  • dynamically creating a heat map of fire events based on the level of fire radiative power;
  • dynamically creating choropleth map of elements of administrative division of Ukraine (regions and districts) with legend, using quantity of fire events per each region or calculating fire events per square kilometers;
  • access to all attributes of selected objects on popup;
  • choosing several tile layers as base map (Open Street Map, Open Topo Map, Esri World Imagery).

Used libraries and frameworks: Vue.js, BootstrapVue.js, Leaflet.js, axios.js